Our Guide to Creating Great Podcast Now!



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    Steve M

    Without any monetization options, this is yet another way to work for free.

    The argument will be "you'll get more students with the exposure."  However, over the years, I've answered many questions for users on this platform, often with genuine "I didn't know that!" and "Thank you!" answers, but never has it led to a paid gig.

    This is my job.  I need to pay my bills.  These forms of teaching need monetization.

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    Holmes with Martin

    It is an insufficiently thought out idea at present, whose deep roots lie in the Protestant Work Ethic. There is a curious idea that teaching a foreign language should be a quasi-charitable activity... No, no. It can be win-win. But not just yet. These are encouraging growing pains of something new, I hope!

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    Eliaquim Sousa 易尚明

    Free work, pure and simple. No guarantee a teacher can control the influx of students - since italki never lets teachers know what they can do to attract students other than esoteric recommendations ("participate in the forum! Be active in the community! Do your own marketing on social media!"). A teacher gets no student, italki gets more promotion and gives students more reasons to stay on the platform. Doing a podcast is intense, hard work. If not paid directly, it should give the teacher a clear way to measure its effectiveness - numbers, hard data a teacher can act upon. It should give the teachers a way to gather leads. A teacher who posts podcast episodes here regularly should be well aware that this is free work, unpaid work, and that there are better platforms where teachers can post their podcasts and get more control, if they so choose.

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    Holmes with Martin

    Subjective and unreferenced reaction. There could be a way to make them pay. Let's find it! To be fair, Italki has no idea of the results. But first we need the data about who sees where and how!

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    Csilla Kovács

    I've been thinking about starting a podcast for a long time, I got a lot of useful ideas here, but I don’t think I want to share the episodes on Italki.

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    Thomas Alexander

    While I'm intrigued by the possibility of using italki to host my podcasts (so I don't have to figure out how to host them somewhere else), about 5 minutes of reflection is enough to really scare me away from the idea. The bit about "code of conduct" is especially scary. A little comment like "I made a YouTube video to talk about this related topic" might be considered promoting a competitor ... and get you banned.

    No monetization AND no final editorial control? Who would want that?

    Or am I missing something? 

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    Hello all, thank you for your feedback. We have been working on developing content monetization for features on our platform, including podcasts. Similar to other sites, often here at italki, we test new ideas to see our teachers’ and students’ interests and concerns in new developments. One such feature is offering podcasts on italki. As we continue to develop this product and other content features for monetization we welcome your feedback and concerns.

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    Hello, as someone who already has a podcast I don't mind having it on italki as well, however, I don't have the time to upload each episode to yet another directory. It would be better if I could set up an RSS feed and italki would fetch the new episodes when they release on Spotify or iTunes. 

    There needs to be AT LEAST a way to schedule the episode's release time and date if you want me to upload it manually. But that's an extra time I'd rather spend more productively.


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    Well noted, thanks Michal

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    As some others have posted already, it would be better to post your podcasts on YouTube with a link to your iTalki profile. If you join Google Adsense you will get paid for advertising (not a great deal, but better than nothing), and Google is far more transparent with their data than iTalki is. Also, Google is far less likely than iTalki to go bankrupt or just disappear, and they have market reach.

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    How long does it take for our podcast to be approved once we create our channel and upload the first episode (which I did yesterday)? Also, once approved, do new episodes get published immediately after we upload them, or do we have to wait for italki to do something? It would be nice if a teacher’s podcast was featured on their profile page.

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    Bettina (Edited )

    I agree with previous concerns about the lack of monetization and the ban on linking to outside pages. Any of us who are doing this for a living very likely have other content/websites/etc. that we can pull from and would not mind sharing here on italki, but if I have to choose between providing my efforts for free on italki with little to no definite return, or working on building my promotion efforts outside of italki, I'm going to choose the latter. I don't believe it is a conflict of interest to direct students to additional resources that the teachers have outside of italki since I value italki as a teacher resource. It would be self-defeating to be here with the sole purpose of trying to direct students elsewhere. I think a compromise can be met. For example, I could teach via italki (the purpose of this platform, right?) and provide additional materials/events/etc. on my own site. I would not be opposed to sharing some of these supplemental resources via italki's options, as long as I am permitted to let the students know I have other resources elsewhere. The students are under no obligation to move away from italki this way, but are aware of additional materials available to them. 

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    Thomas Alexander

    It looks like some pro-podcast voters came through and downvoted various concerns. It would be nice if these downvoters could post their own thoughts about what is great about this or what people with concerns are overlooking.

    Please explain -- what is the appeal to creating content for free which -- according to the article above -- can get you "hidden, banned, and even blacklisted from the site"?

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    English with Brian

    What is the point of teachers using italki if we are supposed to maintain social media accounts, create podcasts, quizzes, answer student questions in the community page, and now create podcasts without receiving any compensation? italki should invest less in creating new ways to exploit teachers for free content and spend more time promoting teachers to potential students. The whole point of teachers using italki as a platform is the understanding that italki will provide teachers with a steady flow of students. Judging from the majority of posts on the teacher's forum, that certainly hasn't been the case. If you're going to exert this much time and energy into content creation, you may as well create your own website and teach independently and own the rights to all of it. It astounds me that simple things like restoring Instant Lessons (not only for Trial Lessons) cannot be done, yet every month there is a rollout of some new gimmick or webinar that tells teachers to work harder for nothing in return. 

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    Hester English Coach

    There could be some value in podcasts if they were managed in a way that rewarded the creators.

    italki could easily incentivize podcast creation by doing things like rewarding the most visited podcasts each day/week with an appropriate amount of credits that reflects the work that goes into producing a quality podcast;

    another thing that might incentivize content contributors is that the more popular your content is, the more you feature as a promoted teacher, getting your profile in front of more students, with actual potential to increase revenue.

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    I strongly agree with your second suggestion, Hester. It would incentivize me a lot! When they sent out the survey to podcast creators I asked them to please reward us by featuring our profiles, or at least giving us a boost in the algorithm. Also, potential students should have a way to access our podcasts directly from our teacher profile, so when someone is searching for a new teacher they would see that they have a podcast. That would totally make the effort of creating a podcast worth it because it would enable us to fill our teaching schedule, which would most likely be much more monetarily rewarding than italki paying us for the actual podcast. 

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    Hester English Coach

    Hi MaryLynn, great idea to link our podcasts to our profiles to connect with potential new clients. It's win-win. 


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    Holmes with Martin (Edited )

    We live in a different world now. These platforms could be such a force for good - but only so long as people stop blocking out all original, heartfelt and creative ideas for innovation. We are in the stone age of transforming the planet via humanistic technology; and the war gives an opportunity to contribute. But Platforms will not listen or allow themselves to be transformed. The very profit/competition/corporate model is part of the problem, not the solution. The millennial generation can see that. We need to support them and be equal to their skill, daring and idealism.

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    Hester English Coach

    Hi Martin,  I am a bit behind the curve, being an italki fledgling, however I agree with your "never say 'them'" comment. A platform that furthers reasoned communication can be a force for good. We are all in it together - those who provide the infrastructure and those who provide the content. It is a symbiotic relationship and hopefully together we can all make it better. I'm for exploring what podcasts can bring if properly incentivised.

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    What Bill Gates says is definitely not what should be guiding anyone in the world. What an idea to quote him here! Did he pay you guys something too, or what?

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    I want to thank you for your article, but I still have  a question if someone can answer me, I uploaded a podcast and it's good, but I think I wrote a wrong title for the podcast, can I change the title ? Or remove the podcast ?

    thank you :)

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    Eric Anderson

    I would love to see a "how to" (tutorial) video on the podcast creation process.

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    English with Angela

    How do I find the URL for my podcast channel?  I need to give this link to my existing students.  A few of them are having trouble downloading my readings directly from my other cloud storage folder. Where should I direct them so they can see all my podcasts? 

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    Patricia Figueiredo

    I wouldn't mind creating podcasts to reinforce content or share cultural aspects of my country (among other things), especially for my students, but why do language teachers need to be podcast hosts or Instagram/tik tok influencers nowadays??

    I understand the benefits of it, but language teaching is already a competitive field as it is, so if italki starts benefiting podcasters by featuring and boosting their profile views, it's gonna be unfair to teachers who don't wish to work that way. Some teachers couldn't care less about algorithms and social media interaction on that level, so I think it's important to think very carefully about this. We all know how unhealthy this social media lifestyle can be for people, and many teachers don't need to add this extra workload to their agendas, and they certainly don't need to worry if they're likeable enough,  trendy enough, or feel unworthy when they put a lot of effort into something that goes unnoticed. I understand podcasts are not the same as social media, but it feels like that's where we're headed here. 

    I would still choose monetizing podcasts and maybe allowing teachers to have a newsfeed where they can post updates and allow students and prospects to interact directly with our profiles, keeping things simple but interactive and accessible for all those who choose to use those features. 

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