How do teachers find their niche on italki?



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    Thanks, this is a very helpful article. It leaves it open for prospective tutors/teachers to find our own niche. I believe mine will work. The only thing I'm finding is that I can't get on... I'm very interested in the small group teaching, that sounds fun and I thought that maybe there would be more openings but every time I look, all English are closed. Surely there's more opportunities with this??? Also the fact that the cost to the student is less, would be very attractive. What's happening with this?

    In anticipation, Lynne



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    Lucellyz Gomez

    Buenos dias soy Lucellyz Gomez soy docente de Español, me inscribí en la plataforma de Italki pero lo hice de manera incorrecta, por favor necesito ayuda para camiar la solicitud para docente.

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    Very interesting and helpful article!

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