Tips on how to increase students’ confidence and manage student nervousness



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    Simone Wentzel

    Great points, thanks!

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    Ednah Khoza

    Thanks thats awesome!

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    Errgy Margianto

    so helpful 

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    Extremely helpful. Thanks for this!


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    Jina 권쌤

    I like it. Thanks~ ^^

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    Maria del Pilar

    I really like these tips, I will put them into practice... Mil gracias por estos consejos, los pondré en práctica ...Merci beaucoup pour ces conseils, Je vais les mettre en practique... 

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    Fiorella solange

    good advices and tips, thanks! Excelentes consejos y recomendaciones, mil gracias! 

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    Anna Green

    I believe creating a safe space is a must. I also often remind my students that literary everyone makes mistakes, native speakers are no exclusion. It might sound obvious, but we often don't think about it immediately while it can help take some pressure off a student.

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    I believe that when a student is nervous, a friendly gesture, for example, your hair is beautiful today or I like your blouse. I think that will help take the pressure off a student.

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    Buddy's Classroom

    I believe if you treat people as equals, that their not better or worse then you it relaxes them and they open up and talk. A shy person tend to have stronger intuitions about people and they sense if you genuinely want to know more about them. If your gentle, kind and a patient listener they will open up too you and share their thoughts. 

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    I often find that students have been living in a non-English world all week, so if their structures are translated from L2 or they are finding recall hard, plus being stressed from their busy lives, I often do a quick chit-chat then do some reading out loud practise for pronunciation and so that English structures start to return to their working memory.

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