Case Study: Staying on italki For More Than 1 Year With Less Than 50 lessons



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    BibleIELTSkids -Walt

    Excellent! ^^

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    Paul Capiral Busines

    Since I started teaching (Full Time) on italki last Feb 2020, I completed 730 lessons with 100s of great student reviews and positive feedback in 5 months, however, my bookings are declining April = 261, May = 173, June = 114, and July = 37. Is something wrong with italki algorithm? Can someone enlighten us? Thank you.

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    Paul Interview Coach

    Paul - i agree with this. same almost identical collapse in classes. perhaps my drop off was even worse. we do need some understand here from Italki. Lots of other teachers mention the same issues.


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    Italki please do something about the algorithm. My profile isn't visible anymore. This July I haven't seen any new students.

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    Daniela Berrio

    I agree with all of them. Suddenly it all changed. Is it maybe because is summer so people prefer of course to go to holidays or is a consequence as well of the pandemic that a lot of people are having less incomes... ? or there is something with the algorithm of Italki. This is quite concerning. 

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    Does anyone know how search results work? Yesterday I was at the top and today I'm among the last ones...

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    Maybe you didn't participate in the 'new' - about to end - $5 promotion? 

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    Hey guys, I feel the same. Although I do run my own Facebook ads and a YouTube channel. I think it helps bring exposure to my profile. Yes, maybe this $5 promotion is affecting the more experienced teachers. However, Keep offering a high quality service and once you weather the storm, it will all be good. 😊 Also, start  creating online courses at teachable to supplement your income. If you have a youtube channel start looking for sponsors. If you want to survive in this environment you must learn to create multiple streams of income. 

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    Ktutor Gil

    Great. Very helpful.

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    Steve M

    There's always a decline during the summer months.  Always.  Couple that with the disruption caused by the global pandemic and you're witnessing a huge upheaval in normal scheduling.  

    During the months of March through June, demand for online teaching was much higher than normal.  Then, when lockdowns were lifted and with good weather, everyone went outdoors.

    So, there's normally a dip in Summer months, but this year we had an artificial bump in the winter and spring followed by an unusually severe drop in summer.  Things are just now starting to pick up again.

    Here's hoping we get back to normal quickly!

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    Johannes Simons

    Guys, I have participated in the promo and the result has been an INCREASE in classes. Against expectations my class amount has been above the 200 classes every month since June (in September I had a four-day break but still got 192). I think it has to do with the language you teach and what you offer your students. I have been teaching here since March and have as of today (Nov.10, 2020) 1585 classes done.  So for me, I got a huge increase in summer, and it still keeps growing, even to the point of getting new students and having to tell them to start classes in 2 or 3 weeks. So it isn't just the algorithms, it is many other factors unknown to many. Stay strong and happy teaching.

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    Steve M

    Congratulations on that, Johannes!  

    Personally, I have no idea what "the promo" is, which is curious.  But, I've been on this platform for more than four years and still haven't reached 500 sessions, while on another platform, I average 80 sessions per week.

    Two months ago, I got many sessions simultaneously here, but now, back to the "normal" less than 10.

    Very strange how different people get such vastly different results.


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    Very helpful indeed!

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    hello teachers, any explication about Italki algorithm, i was in the first page but now i dont even appear in the first pages

    any clarification ?

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    The rating in italki has decreased tremendously. My price is very normal and I teach my students with so much fun and grace but I do not know why my rating keeps dropping. Please can someone help me explain what is happening?

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    Steve M

    Well, it's been nine months since my last post on this thread, and nine months since my last session on italki.  But, still averaging 80-100 sessions per week on another platform, offering the same exact things at an even higher price.  The difference is promotion.  The other site promotes itself much more effectively.


    I'd drop italki, but, as it doesn't take any of my time anyway, what's the point?

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    @Tantse. Your students are responsible for your rating. So I'm pretty sure, most of them are rating you low.

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    Aya アヤ

    Steve M Can you let me know what the other platform you are referring to?

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    Encuentro esta información muy útil. Estoy seguro que poner en practica estos consejos ayudara a muchos tutores y profesores a mejorar sus estadísticas.

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    ⭐Marc ❤️😂 Coaching

    Hi, searching Google and Youtube with "is teaching on Italki dead?"  you will see that you are not alone, PRO or community tutors, experienced tutors suffer also. NEW teachers have nothing for weeks as well.

    I put INSTANT LESSON on and I reduced my rate to $5 30 min $12 hour to get 2 bookings of 30 min.

    I also never appear as ONLINE even though I'm online all day.

    It looks like the tsunami of students with the pandemic is gone BUT the mass of teachers who are joining is still there.

    As a student I also found that booking a teacher from the App is not working all the time. BUGS. it says I'm already in another class while I'm not and the teacher is available.

    I hope Italki solve the problem quickly.

    Feb 2022


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