Withdraw using Hyperwallet



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    Steve Cavan

    When does this service begin?

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    I checked the reviews on Trust Pilot for Hyperwallet and they didn't look promising.  Why does Italki want to work with a company that has such bad reviews?  I am feeling really frustrated because Paypal charges such high fees, I paid 25 euros to make my last transaction!  We don't get paid much as it is as teachers.  Can't Italki find a secure money transfer company to work with that does have high fees?  I stopped working with Payoneer because they withheld my payment for a month.  It's not very fair.  I love Italki but their payment system is rubbish compared to websites like Verbling where you can get paid right away without high fees. 

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    When does this service begin? And how does the subscription work?

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    Steve Cavan

    Any word on Hyperwallet?  November is almost here. September is a distant memory.


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    Julien in Vietnam (Edited )

    To everyone, I have contacted iTalki team directly by private email. 

    At the moment, there is no possibility to give a specific launching date.


    We need to remain patient a little longer.


    Happy teaching to you all


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    Sergio Rojo


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    Phurbu Tashi

    Thank you for your message ! I would like to ask that can we use the local Bank Transfer Hyperwallet instead of Paypal?

    If it is then how ?

    And also what is different about the tax between Paypal and Bank Transfer ?

    Thank you!

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    Julien in Vietnam

    Hello iTalki team, I read the hyperwallet was supposed to be launched in September. We are now in October. I guess you are having a delay to launch the new payment method but do you have any idea when you will launch it? Thank you for your help.

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    Phurbu Tashi

    Hello italk team, as one of teacher mentioned above I also want to know that when we can withdraw through hyperwallet? Please leave for us a message. 

    Thank you,

    Sincerely ,


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