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    As I don't want to download the app only to tell you this, I'll give you my feedback here: BAD!

    Italki was really useful for me to exercise, but now I have to give it up, 10 day before the language exam I was studying for. The Community was great, a lot of nice people used to help me correcting my notebook, and now it's all wasted because you decided I have to use an app. Ever tried to write in Japanese on a mobile for more than 2 lines? That's not feasable.


    Sorry, this is a terrible news for me and I'm very upset. I was relying on this.

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    I really liked as it was before. First I don't like to write long sentences on my phone. This will never happened for me.
    I also really liked the language partners. The new community does not have the same feature or something similar. 
    If you are really interested in our opinion please give as the "language partners" feature back and the possibility to do all of this from a laptop.

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    I believe it is a mistake to 'retire' Language Partners without specifically putting that somewhere else on the app.  Up to now, there were too many people who posted requests in the notebook section, since where to request language partners on the website was not clear (almost hidden).  If italki wants to promote this feature, find a place on the app/website for this AND make it visible. 

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    Laura Bernay

    I would really love to see online book clubs on here. With so many of us using Zoom nowadays it would be possible to create them. italki could help us all connect in this way, coming together to read the same book and meeting on Zoom to discuss it. Perhaps some of the teachers could facilitate it or otherwise students themselves could organise them.

    Laura Bernay

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    Please give us a fully functional web version of the community as soon as possible! Typing longer texts on a phone (as one would when writing/correcting a notebook, or "exercise" as it is now called) is very troublesome.

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    djamel sahraoui

    Hi I really want to meet other persons from other countries I like exchange languages English Spanish

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    Bill Holt

    I was caught by surprise by the loss of access to Community features via a web browser.

    The news that I can access these features by using the Italki app is not helpful to me. Typing anything into an app window on my smart phone takes at least 2 or 3 times longer for me to do compared to touch-typing it at my computer, and trying to proofread and edit what I've types is even more frustrating. So, for now, I suspect I'll mostly answer fewer questions and write short answers.


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    Ilene Springer

    As a longtime italki teacher, I have always liked going online and answering students' questions and editing their essays.  I don't want to do this on my phone. 

    Please, please, please - don't fix the things that are fine with italki!  Use the app, but please keep things the same on the desktop computers and laptops. 

    Thanks--Ilene Springer



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    Ilene Springer

    Writers Matter!

    I really want to write articles again for italki.  It's so much better for italki to have new articles from teachers instead of recycling old ones.  I really had a lot of interest from students regarding my articles -  and I imagine other teacher/authors did, too.  (And, yes, we would still like to be paid that small amount for them.)

    Writers Matter!


    Thanks--Ilene Springer

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    Riccardo Sinesio Marchetto

    Pourquoi nous n’avons pas la traduction en français, merci

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    Hi iTalki!  I tried to explain in a email, why this app is soooo bad, when trying to correct  the notebook entries or sending my own ones, but I didn't get any proper answer from you. Only some copied passages from this site!. So you don't even read the emails properly :(    Impossible to find and correct anything on the phone. You will loose many serious language learners with these changes.  The web site has to get back the old functions, also the language partner search and the discussion forum. 

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