Our tips for getting the most out of your Students’ First Contact



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    Emma (Edited )

    Is there a way to set an auto reply as the very first message for only brand new students? I'm not sure the difference between messages and auto reply.

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    Ralph English Teacher

    What a fascinating article!! There were all sorts of ideas and not ONE practical comment on how to set up messages or auto-replies.  Are these two separate features that I have to search for?  Where do I search for them?

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    Emma This feature is only for new students, the message is what they will see when first starting to contact you when they click "Contact Teacher" the auto-reply is what they will receive right after sending their first message to you. Your current students or students who have previously messaged will not see these features.

    Paul Capiral Busines We don't think you need to include your name, as this will show up to students in the messages as your mutual chat, so your name will be above the message window. We also hope this feature gets everyone more students! 

    We had feedback from many teachers that new students don't always "fill out" the contact form. On the students' side, this feature will now auto-send their learning information (language level, goals, etc.) to teachers. We are testing this now, but we hope this simpler version will get teachers the information they need and encourage more students to send a message.    

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  • Thank you! It'll be useful for me. I've already set my auto-reply message. :)

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    Muy buena información.Ya cree mis mensajes automaticos gracias a ustedes ;)

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    Teacher Beth

    After seeing it can be only used with new students, I have no interest in this feature. I think an auto message to a new student is very impersonal, esp as we may not even see what they write first and the auto reply may be useless. I had hoped auto reply meant I was going to be able to set up an auto reply for all students for outside office hours on vacation etc, but alas no. 

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    Paul Capiral Busines

    Thank you for italki's response to my question. Appreciate it. Also, some students booked a Trial Lesson and one student booked a package last week. I'm so happy and grateful! This new feature works! Looking forward to more new students who'll turn regulars! Have a fabulous day!  

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    Muchas gracias por la ayuda, es bastante útil. Nice tip!!!

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    Paul Capiral Busines

    Great tips! I also encourage students to update their own italki profiles (while waiting for my response).

    Is it necessary to include our name at the end of the "Auto-reply"? I've used up the 500 characters.

    I really hope this new feature will generate more students for us! Thank you so much!

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    Johanna A.

    Gracias por la información.  Empezare a crear mis mensajes automáticos.

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    Teacher Alexis

    How do I find this feature? This is awesome!! I can't find it so I can edit mine!

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    Merci pour le conseil

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    Salut. Je me inscrite à italki depuis un moment mais je n'ai eu aucune demande de cours quel le problème ?

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    Gon Madrid

    I don't understand the difference between "Messages" and Auto-reply. I'm lost. 

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    - Leo Canova - ⭐⭐⭐⭐

    Thank you for the great tips, I hope I''l be able to use it with my students.

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    Zubin Mistry

    Very informative. Thank you for the tips.

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    Adel Albanna

    that is really great tips  and very helpful > looking forward for more new students  . i am a full time Arabic Language professional teacher. ALSO I WUOLD LIKE TO TELL ITALKI THAT I HAVE DIFFICULTY FINDING NEW STUDENTS .

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    Lola Gomez Carmona

    Thank you for the tips. It´s really useful

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    Adel Albanna

    I really likt that so much they are so useful and helpful to get  goodt satisfaction from your students

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    Emily Juarez

    Gracias es de mucha utilidad sus consejos prácticos.

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    Trevor Kafka 康明

    Is there anywhere we can see what these features look like on the student side?

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