Best Teaching Practices
Best practices for italki teachers
- Why didn't my student book another lesson?
- How do I promote my profile using social media?
- How do I gain loyal students from the first lesson?
- Becoming a Specialist Teacher – The Teacher Must Learn, In Order to Teach
- Leveraging Artificial Intelligence for Enhanced Teaching Success
- How do I start my new Group Course?
- How to Cope With the Summer Lows
- Student Retention: Tips to Turning One Lesson into One-hundred
- Using the Trial Class settings to gain more students!
- The New Year’s Learning Resolution
- Are “niche” lesson course options helping or hurting you?
- Pros and cons of using authentic materials in class
- Offer more than a language class, diversify on italki
- Our tips for getting the most out of your Students’ First Contact
- How good content helps you get rebooked
- How to use your hobbies to teach English
- Some Tips on Preparing for Summer Breaks
- How do teachers find their niche on italki?
- Knowing a language and speaking it!
- Great Trial Lessons in Three Steps - Teacher James
- 5 Keys to Making Great Flashcards on italki!
- Our Guide to Creating Great Podcast Now!
- Discipline in a Virtual Classroom - Teacher Henry
- The 10 Tips for a Great italki Headline
- Does posting in the community make an impact on my success?
- Why is it important to test your students? From Business Teacher James
- Thumbnail DOs and DON'Ts
- HSK 3.0 Era Has Arrived from Chinese Teacher Alice Guo
- 4 useful tools to help you manage your business and increase your lesson request rate
- The Power of Music in Language Learning